Tag Archives: augmented learning

Congress outlaws email

Had to see this coming: Republican representatives have introduced a bill that would mandate that schools provide a filter that cuts students off from any website that may cause them to “easily be subject to unlawful sexual advances, unlawful requests for sexual favors, or repeated offensive comments of a sexual nature from adults,” among other […]
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ADHD & Electronic Media

Mind Hacks points us toward a debate in the UK over whether electronic media leads to attention deficits. The Baroness I’m critical of the way ADHD seems to be diagnosed in many cases as: “not paying attention to things I think you should, and expending physical energy in ways I do not approve of.” I […]
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Blogging / Wiki slides

Presentation in a few minutes on blogging and wikis in teaching. Here is a pdf of the slides: pdf The presentation detailed here is a bit generic. I’ll see if I can capture audio for it as well. Hopefully, we can do something a bit less linear with the process.
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Columbia Course on Social Software

Interesting syllabus for a course at Columbia’s Communication, Computing, and Technology in Education (found via weblogg-ed). They are also aggregating content, through the del.icio.us tag “ccte”. It’s not clear to me if they are also using del.icio.us to tag their own blog entries, though that would be a pretty effective way to go about things. […]
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