Tag Archives: publication

“Hyperlinked Society” hyperlinked

I posted earlier about the Hyperlinked Society collection, made up of a bunch of essays on the role of hyperlinks, um, in society. Just found out via a tweat from one of its co-editors that it’s available in a searchable, linkable form here. Pretty cool if you ask me!
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Why I’m not blogging

This sort of post has now become a staple, but here are some things I’m doing instead of blogging. I’ll try to post a little bit about these projects as they progress. * Finishing up my new book, Search Engine Society. I’m putting the finishing touches on the index. All of it was desperately out […]
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The hyperlinked society

Just got a copy of the new collection of essays edited by Joseph Turow and Lokman Tsui. Looking forward to digging into it. This came out of a set of talks at Annenberg (East) a couple of years ago, and the essays tend to take a fairly broad view of the issues surrounding hyperlinking. On […]
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An analysis of topical coverage of Wikipedia

Just noticed the article Derek & I wrote is up on the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication site. In case the wording of the abstract makes you wonder: yes, we are both native English speakers :(. An Analysis of Topical Coverage of Wikipedia * Alexander Halavais (School of Communications, Quinnipiac University) * Derek Lackaff (Department of […]
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