Tag Archives: Media
The importance of sources
Students don’s seem to understand the importance of evaluating web sources. I have a feeling that the study described in Study Finds Cable-TV Violence Leads To Network-TV Violence is getting at an important phenomenon. But — especially in this case — it would be a good idea to see if you could find it in […]
Servo Magazine
Uh, oh. Now I have to decide between Servo Magazine and Architectural Digest. Given the number of “projects” that are taking up corners of my house right now, it seems the two would be at cross purposes. (Via Jeremy.)
In other domes
Looks like your and my favorite IT company, Metacortex is developing a $1.3 billion undersea hotel complex on a fabricated island in Greece, called the Aquapolis, that looks like a blast. Obviously, they haven’t heard that “The Palm“–a palm-shaped artificial atoll off the coast of the UAE–has aready claimed the title of “Eighth Wonder of […]
A gorgeous creature