The importance of sources

Students don’s seem to understand the importance of evaluating web sources. I have a feeling that the study described in Study Finds Cable-TV Violence Leads To Network-TV Violence is getting at an important phenomenon. But — especially in this case — it would be a good idea to see if you could find it in a peer-reviewed journal.

Our data shows that cable violence, particularly the more brutal, consequence-free violence found on premium-cable channels like HBO, leads to violence on broadcast channels like ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox,” IMR researcher Donald Peck said. “This phenomenon has created an ever-widening spiral of violence on our nation’s airwaves.”

Peck said the IMR based its report on analysis of 700,000 hours of cable- and network-TV broadcasts from the past 20 years. According to the report, prior to the advent of cable television, relatively little gratuitous violence aired on network television. In the years since the proliferation of cable, however, incidents of violent entertainment have increased dramatically.

(Via Peng, circuitously)

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