Tag Archives: Google

Getting Glass

Google selected me as one of (the many) Google “Glass Explorers”, thanks to a tweet I sent saying how I would use Google Glass, namely: #ifihadglass I’d find myself in the shoes of Vannevar Bush’s walnut-wearing (social) scientist, & I’d remember the names of my students :). — halavais (@halavais) February 21, 2013 What this […]
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The Privacy Trade Myth

Cory Doctorow has a new essay in Technology Review entitled “The Curious Case of Internet Privacy”. He begins by outlining the idea of “the trade” an idea he rightly suggests has risen to the level of myth. “The trade” is simply that you are permitted to use a system like Facebook for free, and in […]
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Google plus what?

Over the last few days, I’ve been exploring Google Plus a bit, in my spare time, along with a quarter million of my closest friends around the globe. There are already a lot of reviews… that’s not what this is. I find it to be an interesting entry point, and I’m curious to see what […]
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Switching to Bing

I needed to find something on my blog today. Google couldn’t find it, Bing could. Why? Because Google has blacklisted my blog. Why? Because it was hacked. This happened back in April, and happened to a lot of other WordPress installs. The only reason I knew about the potential de-listing is that I got a […]
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