A Veiled Bear

veiledbear.pngBack from the trip and desperately trying to catch up with all of the end of the semester and end of the year things. Just had a chat with my chair about how I should be tenuring rather than blogging (hi, George), so I figured I would be my normally defiant self and make an utterly unimportant blog entry rather than making progress on my “to do” list.

Three out of my four readers probably know of my disdain for greeting cards, at least those with “messages.” I actually like blank (on the inside) cards, since they reflect the effort of someone trying to say something. When the message itself is mass produced, it is almost always saccharine and inane. Anyway, I make exceptions for Christmas cards (or Winter Solstice, or what have you). I think sending cards around during the end of the year, or the beginning, is a good thing. I especially like the Japanese tradition of New Years cards because — like wedding gifts — they have a built-in deadline extension.

This year we have been too busy to even think about Christmas presents and cards. If I were to have sent cards, they would have been those to the right. The caption reads “A Future Unremembered Poet of the 17th Century Accepts a Christmas Cookie from the Great Veiled Bear.” The original card was sent by Mr. Gorey in 1977, and there were reproductions available at the Gorey Details, but they naturally ran out of them. One of the original run of 450 is up on Ebay now, and at Bromer, but at over $200 at each, I can wait until next year for the reproduction.

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  1. Posted 12/18/2003 at 3:05 pm | Permalink

    yeah man, fight the power!

  2. Lucindy
    Posted 12/12/2021 at 11:03 am | Permalink

    Would you believe I received this card from a colleague (we taught together at NCSU–now retired). I had to laugh at your post. While getting my Ph.D., I took every craft class I could find: pottery classes, coiled pottery classes, wood turning classes, stained glass classes . . . . . anything to avoid working on my dissertation! Good luck!

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