(From an email to a student…)
I’m being selfish next semester and only taking folks on in two capacities:
A) I am trying to assemble a group of folks to help think about computing within the school and department. Some possibilities:
- Revamping, redesigning, adding to the Web site
- Establishing research blogs / k-logs for use among the faculty and grad students
- Creating scheduling systems that actually work for the faculty (no one’s using the Lotus calendar)
- A number of potential applications for tracking grad students, etc., among faculty
- Looking at moving beyond the first few steps Liz has taken with UBLearns to better network undergrads, and to include things like class requests, etc.
- Surveying the grad TAs about how better to meet their computing needs
- Specing a Wi-Fi network for the 3rd floor: think cheap and mobile
- Getting my bio off the web and doing one for someone else in the dept
- A review site for elective courses for and by students (grad and/or undergrad)
- A survey of other schools around the world to see what cool ideas we can steal… er, borrow
- Other possibilities (fairly open ended)
B) I’ve had a back-burner project that I want to start collecting notes on. It will be a history of wearable technologies. This includes the obvious (wristwatches, eyeglasses, sidearms), and the not-so-obvious. I am looking for someone to help do some of the library work on this. Some of it may include more recent devices, but I am thinking a long history here, starting with ancient wearables.