Tag Archives: Technology

Traffic gods

Some cities (not Buffalo, AFAIK) have devices on their stoplights that allow for emergency vehicles to change them remotely. The trafic signal crack has always been something of a Grail for hackers. Phrack ran an article recently on possible ways to get at a city-wide grid. But what if you could just buy your own […]
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Global city squares

This takes the idea of “always on” videoconferencing one step further, by providing a public portal from city to city. The planned installation would allow Londoners to meet with those in Vienna to chat.
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Recall, schmeecall…

…this is news. A company is developing solar power that will cost less than fossil fuels. Energy is where it’s at over the next few decades. We need batteries that are cheap and efficient, and we need renewable sources of energy. That means cheap solar like this, or from space, or from biomass, or from […]
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Braille PDA

A new PDA with a Braille “display” is one of the many reasons I want to learn how to read Braille. There are books for sighted Braille students, and even a free online class. But I want to learn it by touch, and I have a feeling (no pun intended) that learning it by sight […]
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