Tag Archives: Technology

Ludd Lives

There’s an interview with Hakim Bey over at The Brooklyn Rail, in which he indulges in a Luddite rail against the internet. Bleyer: But isn’t there something to be said for the subversive use of technologies? Wilson: We believed that in the ’80s. The idea was that alternative media would allow us the space in […]
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Gmail invite?

Gmail (or should this be the more appropriate link?) seems to be rapidly expanding its beta. If anyone wants an account, I have several invites available. Drop me a note if interested. Oh, and in case you are wondering, it actually is money and power that are my secret, the invites are just icing.
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My next computer

When I got the Zaurus, the hope would be that I could use it “just like” a computer. It didn’t work out that way. The push now is for Ultra PCs. If I’m amazingly good, and Santa hits the lottery, I want the new SonyVAIO for Christmas.
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Military Sousveillance

Joi Ito picked up on a posting over at Smartmobs suggesting that the military (and specifically Rumsfeld) has is banning digital cameras and camera phones from the military. Now, leaving aside that there is thin evidence that this is a real news story (the original link has evaporated and I find nothing similar via Lexis-Nexis), […]
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