Tag Archives: Technology

Cyborg Democracy

As of today, I am a Democratic Transhumanist! I’ve always had a certain attraction to transhumanism, but just when I thought I had found a likeminded niche, I ran smack against the libertarian exultation of the free market. Luckily, thanks to an interview with RU Sirius for Neofiles, I learn of James Hughes, who argues […]
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Orkut != Google

If I were Google, I would be unhappy about my name showing up at the bottom of pages on the Orkut social networking site. Not because it is a public failure: it seems as if the entire nation of Brazil is using it at once. No, because it says: “we can’t handle large numbers of […]
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Return of Joe Isuzu

Fine. Great. I get about a comment a day through the summer and then the first day of classes, when I have no chance of keeping up, I do something that brings a boatload or two of people to my blog. So, with apologies for the shotgun response… 1. You killed Wikipedia. You bastard! Well, […]
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He’s Mad!

“He’s mad,” said Ryger explosively, staring at the door as though Villiers were still standing before it. “Is he?” said Talliaferro thoughtfully. “I suppose he is, in a way. He hates us for irrational reasons. And, then, not even to scan his paper as a precaution —” Talliaferro fingered his own small scanner as he […]
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