Tag Archives: Robots
Gladiator, the robot
The Marine Corps are testing a multi-purpose tele-operated robot called the the Gladiator, a remotely piloted “mini tank-treaded terror bristling with so many cannon and guns that only a Hollywood screenwriter could have dreamed it up.” And how would it be employed? The Camp Smith demonstration of the Gladiator was based on a scenario in […]
A FAQretary
If you click on “Index” above, you will find a page that is absolutely useless, and has been for at least a year. So, I decided I should put a FAQ of sorts. Then I thought, why not make it a FAQ-bot? I’m basing the bot on ALICE, and trying to train it to answer […]
Bots abound
A couple of cool links from /.. First, for a robot that can track things you are holding and then snatch them. Definitely worth checking out those videos. Extremely cool. However, I think we all need to pitch in and buy these guys tickets to T3. I don’t particularly want a robot that pounces. And […]
Rat brain art