Tag Archives: Robots

Where’s Ludd?

So, unemployment remains at a rate not seen since the early 1990s, and at the same time, robot sales are exploding. It seems that jobs are the trailing part of a recovering economy. While workers laid off in previous recessions were often rehired when demand surged, this time around seems different: Some of it is […]
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Servo Magazine

Uh, oh. Now I have to decide between Servo Magazine and Architectural Digest. Given the number of “projects” that are taking up corners of my house right now, it seems the two would be at cross purposes. (Via Jeremy.)
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Unhappy bots

Popular Science | The Man Who Mistook His Girlfriend for a Robot. “Look for the guy carrying the head.” David Hansen and others are making robots look a lot more human, providing them believable facial expressions. I’m not really sure that this is necessarily a leap beyond good CG to the same effect, but it […]
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I want one of these. The HAL-3, developed at Tsukuba U., is meant to allow the disabled to be able to climb stairs, and otherwise do things that even the iBot can’t do. We may always have been cyborgs, but we sure are looking a lot more like them lately.
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