Tag Archives: Research
Virtual skirmishing
“Cyber attacks” — either breaking into public websites or otherwise shutting them down — seems to have staying power. This has shown up a number of times before, particularly (interestingly) when it comes to border disputes: in Palestine and Kashmir, for example. It turns out that there was a broad attack recently by some Chinese […]
BlogPulse Tools
For those of you who have not recently visited Intelliseek’s BlogPulse project, they now have several new tools available. Of particular interest to me is their Conversation Tracker, which converts explicit links among blog entries into a threaded history. I’m working on a project to visualize conversations as well, but it does not rely on […]
ZoomInfo Resumes
ZoomInfo is a search engine that provides “people information summarized.” It seems to be a hybrid of search engine and resume. Interesting, given the frequency with which people now use Google to populate their Farley Files. How do they do with me? Well, the first hit is pretty good, naming me as an Assistant Professor […]
Re-Activism CFP