Remaindered Links – A Thaumaturgical Compendium Things that interest me. Mon, 06 Aug 2007 07:19:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 12644277 Remaindered Links: Dangerous edition Mon, 06 Aug 2007 01:08:05 +0000 The following are all dangerous for one reason or another:

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Remaindered Links: Amusingly Creepy Edition Fri, 27 Jul 2007 15:57:09 +0000 America’s Army ArcadeRemaindered links, the amusingly creepy edition:

* Rats like to be tickled, and laugh when they are.

* Considering a career change? Have a contagious smile? Looks like an old friend is recruiting. I can’t be there, but I think my brother might be in town… I doubt this guy is.

* America’s Army, already a creepy, if fun, idea, is stepping up the creep factor with a an arcade version. The game “includes a significant amount of authentic Army videos and other information designed to immerse the player in the Army culture.” Except, you know, the blood. Because that would be icky. I suggest two improvements. First, you should ask those who get high scores for their home phone numbers, so that a recruiter can call. (Come on, haven’t you been watching any movies?) Second, if they could partner with Diebold, they could come up with a dual use voting/gaming machine! They need to stay ahead of the curve if they want to beat out the rival game-makers.

* Contortionist 50s farm girls singing about potato salad. And some creepy old ads as a side.

* Way old, but: 99 rooms.

* Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow knows?

* Kermy goes necromancer.

* Can you give me a hand with the baby?

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Remaindered Links Tue, 29 May 2007 22:18:49 +0000 Build me.Some of these are new, others old…
* Agoraphobics rejoice: Google now has street level photos. Here’s my apartment. The very slight creepiness is way outbalanced by the coolness factor. If I had checked this out before I went to trade in my cable box at a nondescript building, I could have saved myself a couple of seconds of rechecking the address.
* Geogreeting pulls alphabetamorphic buildings from Gmaps and spells stuff out. It even shows you where the buildings are on a map. Very cool.
* Very much looking forward to a Diamond Age miniseries
* I wonder if no email Fridays would just lead to more anxiety about what is going missing.
* This case, a lawsuit against the Internet Archive for crawling an individual’s site, is one that needs to be watched closely.
* Not every day you get compared to compared to Severus Snape

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Remaindered Links Mon, 04 Dec 2006 23:29:17 +0000 Furoshiki
* Bring back (?) the furoshiki. Sure, we all know it’s good for wrapping that big old jeroboam (or at least magnum) of nihonshu, but as the diagram to the right shows, it can also be a fun way to wrap books and just about anything else. Much more ecologically-mindful than wrapping paper for the holidays (since it is perfect for re-gifting!), and much more useful, as anyone who has ever been a Scout can tell you. Pick some up on eBay.

* Blonds are now easier to calculate.

* “Nearly two-thirds of Britons think the fiery Italian sauce Arrabiata is a sex infection, according to a survey on Friday.”

* Zudeo, a front-end video sharing site using Azureus, is now in Beta, aiming at beating YouTube not at its own game, but at higher quality video.

* Cory Doctorow’s books are among the first to be available to test Lirevite, which (as the name implies) is a speed reading program that puts up one word at a time on your Pocket PC. I’ve played with reading this way (though not with this particular product) and it is surprisingly effective.

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Remaindered Links: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 16:45:58 +0000 Haven’t done this for a while, but here goes:

* Bathroom blogging – Social architecture and design from the seat of your toilet.

* To avoid meeting deadlines (worked for ICA!): Line rider. If you have enough time, you can do this. Reminds me a bit of Pyrosand.

* Where’s my jet pack?

* 10 things you businesses should know before they build a website.

* 18 ways to stay concentrated at work (stop reading blogs, #17)

* Conversation with Peter Suber, provides a nice overview. Of particular interest “hybrid open access.” And a nice talk about blogs as a model of citation richness, and the advantages to academic blogging.

* Know someone who needs a boost? Send them here (change the URL appropriately)

* BBC series: Meet the bloggers

* There are a lot of biblio systems out there. Lately, I’m playing with BibDesk

* Want to fold up your desk? Transformer desk.

* Not so hard to get radioactive stuff across our borders (yikes) [pdf]

* Brake’s Bunch (of software you should have) for those of us who are (re) switching to a mac.

* Third International Conference on Communities and Technologies, June 28-30, Michigan State

* “cts as an internet clipboard, allowing you to copy and paste between computers as easy as 1-2-3.”

* Cory Doctorow: How to succeed in blogging

* GMail crypto plugin – Or whatever free email you use. Basically GPG as a browser plugin.

* Drawing lessons

* How to make an electric motor – Simplest electric motor ever

* Video of First class on Emerates

* Here’s a way to make an FOIA request easily. FBI sent mine back for more info, though, so it might be easier to use the format, and provide more identifying info.

* Basically, ways of sharing keyboard and mouse without a KVS.

* Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine settles suit

* Pop2RSS converts (surprise) a POP3 mailbox to an RSS feed.

* Hoping to do this on my own chair :).

* Participatory media syllabus

* “Most Americans Favor Ethnic Profiling”

* Beware the Terror Web!

* Shared tags for people interested in Web 2.0 in education.

* Computer History Museum’s video history of social computing

* Because we really need a new association :), Society for New Communication Research.

* Awesome: Creative Bushido

* The Generator Blog collects examples of online graphics “generators.”

* Giant Robot Imprisons Automobiles

* Blogging to procrastinate

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Remaindered Links Sat, 12 Nov 2005 01:33:27 +0000 * The Art of Demotivation (via Pang)

* What America really needs is wild elephants.

* Speaking of big animals. They upgraded the size of the shark that attacked my little sister: 18 feet, and about two tons. Or, roughly the size of a Chevy Suburban.

* Extreme Mormons: “How can you spread the Lord’s word when you are standing on the darn handlebars?”

* Never too early to learn the need for the long view.

* Progressive, the nation’s 3rd largest auto insurer, is paying beta customers who put a black box in their cars. Nose of the camel. I can’t say that I like that my insurance premiums cover irresponsible drivers, but I also don’t imagine (given the appropriate vehicle) ever driving across the Mohave at less than a hundred miles an hour. And once the ability to monitor is in place, it is only a matter of time before police enforcement is provided access to that data.

Now, what would be cool is if it calculated your premium in real time. You’d have your speedo, tach, and current minute-by-minute insurance rate. Take a corner a little quick, and your rate jumps up. Drive the speed limit on long freeway trips once a week only, and your rate gradually falls. Pay-as-you-go risk management.

* Electronics and solid object printers are, like, so five minutes ago. How about printing new organs. Sure, that scene in 5th Element seemed fanciful, but maybe not so much.

* Are you against the war? Do you think that the yellow ribbons send the wrong message? Do you not care too much about whether your car gets keyed by someone who “doesn’t take kindly” to folks who don’t support the government? Try the Question War magnet.

* You know what’s fun on a Friday night? Remote controlling decapitated fruit flies using lasers. Seriously.

* Please don’t leave any comments reviewing this post, as it may be considered patent infringement.

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