Tag Archives: Politics
First, they come for your shoes
Read over this experience with the TSA. Sure, “No, you don’t get your shoes,” isn’t the same as 14 hours of “sorta” torture, but it still sucks. Someone noticed that box cutters could be used as a weapon, and that airplanes could be used as a weapon. We can’t undo that. But do they think […]
Death of satire
It must be really hard to be a satirist these days, what with the real world being so absurd. Still, what’s left but to laugh: … Fafnir: It isn’t me takin your sandwich Gilbets it is the government. That sandwich is a Class-3 Controlled Sandwich. Giblets: Nuts to the government! Giblets is the only government […]
Buy Nothing Day tomorrow
Kara reminds me that it is once again that time of year to buy nothing. I plan to take my dog to the park to play (barring extreme cold), and watch some movies. (It’s buy nothing, not “don’t use things you’ve ever bought” day.) What will you be doing?
Pimp bin Laden’s Ride