Tag Archives: Politics
On not supporting the troops
People are up in arms about Dick Durbin’s “Godwin’s Law” moment. And of course he isn’t comparing our military with the Nazis, because if there is one thing we must do as a society it is support our troops. It is America’s last sacred cow. Anyone who does not support the troops is, by present […]
What Is Torture?
Slate has an interactive primer on American interrogation. It concludes: It is not true, as many in the Arab world believe, that the United States has embarked on a reckless campaign of torture and abuse of its Arab prisoners of war. But what has happened—a slow slide from coherent, consistent standards for interrogation and treatment […]
Louis Vuitton Sidewalk
Does Louis Vuitton really need to advertise? I guess so, and I suspect that a larger percentage of Yaleys can afford the LV on their bags than those on some campuses. Apparently they are managing to get students to mark sidewalks up and advertise for them. If you think about it, LV has made their […]
Taxonomic Terrorism