Tag Archives: NYC
Living well in NYC
Funny how quickly you get used to changes in what things cost. When we lived in the Tokyo area at the height of the bubble, paying ten dollars for a bottle of a water was not unusual, but after a day in Indonesia, we were negotiating down to the last dime, though usually happy to […]
Feeding frenzy
If there is a silver lining to my little sister being nearly eaten by a large omnivorous beast, it is that I got to see her here in New York for the day. She’s due to be on Good Morning America tomorrow morning. I have had interactions with television news producers before, of varying reputation, […]
Drat! The dangers of sleeping in. Finally took the dog out late today just to see them striking for today’s filming of Margaret on the street right outside my apartment. I’ll have to remember to catch the film when it comes out to see what I missed. At least the dog didn’t eat Matt Damon […]
The Chronic (les) of Narnia Video