Tag Archives: Learning
I like Steve Rubel’s blog — heck I even promoted it in an upcoming FastCompany issue (depending on how they cut the interview) — but I had a visceral reaction to a recent posting on Wikipedia’s Impact on PR. He suggests therein that companies need to police Wikipedia to “counter facts that [he bets] they […]
While people tend to think that I am an early adopter, I am not. For one thing, I am too poor to be an early adopter. I am naturally pretty cautious — almost in spite of myself. So I am late to the folksonomy stuff. Sure, when they were launched I played with del.icio.us, and […]
Open Affordances
This is very last minute, but readers of this blog might be interested in attending a “webinar” (online seminar) entitled Open Affordances, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 12:00. Some great people are part of the panel, including Stephen Downes, Ross Mayfield, Ziauddin Sardar, and Ulises Mejias. The topic is the the degree and nature of the […]
Learning Inquiry