Tag Archives: Law & Policy
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Wal-Mart for allowing thirteen-year-olds across Maryland to hear a dirty word. Turns out that the Evanescence CD has a cover of Korn’s “Thoughtless,” which contains the lyric “Why are you trying to make fun of me? You think it’s funny? What the fuck do you think it’s […]
Death of satire
It must be really hard to be a satirist these days, what with the real world being so absurd. Still, what’s left but to laugh: … Fafnir: It isn’t me takin your sandwich Gilbets it is the government. That sandwich is a Class-3 Controlled Sandwich. Giblets: Nuts to the government! Giblets is the only government […]
The cost of editing
It seems to me that most of these law students will have plenty of opportunities to have their resumes overlooked by actual employers, but I guess it never hurts to get a good start on things.
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