Tag Archives: General

What are all those books about?

I begin my collection of “frequently asked questions” with this one, not because it is so frequently asked, but because it is asked far more often than I would expect, and it so often leaves me without an answer. “Stuff I’m interested in” is probably the most accurate, but also the one that seems the […]
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Remaindered Links

* Kurt Amazing streetchalk art by Kurt Wenner (via MF.) * New Ph.D. in Computation, Organizations and Society at Carnegie Mellon (via Wellman) * On using Baysian categorizors to help sort blogs (via Udell.) * Map of US indicating sources of Dean contributions (via Froomkin.) * “Learning in weblog networks” (via Efimova.) * LA County […]
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Cyborg democracy

Instead of a side bar, I’m going to start a new category where I actually introduce sites that are on (or being added) to my feed. The first of these is Cyborg Democracy: A collaborative blog for democratic transhumanists, nanosocialists, revolutionary singularitarians, non-anthropocentric personhood theorists, radical futurists, leftist extropians, bioutopians and biopunks, socialist-feminist cyborgs, transgenders, […]
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