Tag Archives: General

Amazon Tsunami Relief

The best use of the patented one-click technology ever (nearly making up for the bad karma of patenting it in the first place): Amazon is hosting an easy way to aid relief efforts around the Indian ocean, using the credit card you already have registered if you are an Amazon customer. It is crushingly unfair […]
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The end is nigh

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Cerulean blue

It was important to me, at a young age, to have a favorite color. Like most young children, I labored under the belief that I was unique. As such, I found unsatisfying the idea that my favorite color was primary, and shared by millions of other children. If someone else liked “blue,” and I did […]
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Oxford Internet Institute, Beijing

Should have posted this earlier, but now here it is. This year the School of Informatics (my institution) is one of the groups supporting the OII Summer School, and our newest assistant professor, Pauline Cheong, will be among the faculty. Our own grad students have fellowships available to them. Tracy has done a better job […]
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