Tag Archives: General

The graduate

My lovely and talented wife, Jamie, graduated on Saturday from the Buffalo Law School (probably with honors, but those aren’t official until the final grades come in). She’s had a busy few years, acting as the executive editor of the Buffalo Law Review and the president of the Criminal Law Society (which hosts the only […]
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I like Steve Rubel’s blog — heck I even promoted it in an upcoming FastCompany issue (depending on how they cut the interview) — but I had a visceral reaction to a recent posting on Wikipedia’s Impact on PR. He suggests therein that companies need to police Wikipedia to “counter facts that [he bets] they […]
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Louis Vuitton Sidewalk

Does Louis Vuitton really need to advertise? I guess so, and I suspect that a larger percentage of Yaleys can afford the LV on their bags than those on some campuses. Apparently they are managing to get students to mark sidewalks up and advertise for them. If you think about it, LV has made their […]
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Saturday dog blogging

Continuing the meme (if slightly late), Saturday is bath day at the Halavais household. Some of us like to get a shower or two in during the week as well just to keep up appearances. Some of us would be happier if we moved to a once-a-month plan. More pictures at flickr.
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