Tag Archives: General

Three strikes

Three years running, now, I’ve had abstracts in to HICSS that I have failed to deliver on. I actually consider submitting something like that to be a promise to deliver, which makes it even worse. I have done it elsewhere: I was accepted for a NATO advanced studies institute in Russia, but didn’t hear until […]
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Remaindered links

Another set of links about which I have little comment, but may be worth visiting: * Bush Digs the Baldies – Fetish or megalomania, you be the judge. * Vader’s Blog, Diary of a Monster. (“‘It is vital that you enhance the inter-departmental syngergies of your operation,’ I said. And then I killed him.”) * […]
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Remaindered Links

* A sit-in by endangered wildflowers thwarts a development in Northern Cal. * How do you reuse your altoids tins? * If you liked the sodaconstructor, you’ll love moovl. * I may be crossing over into the private sector * Tag clustering for del.icio.us. (The service is pleasantly quicker now, thanks I presume to the […]
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Your very own wiki

The IMSmarter people have a new free wiki farm: PeanutButterWiki. Definitely worth playing with, if you want to get a feel for general wikiness.
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