Tag Archives: General
Where’s home
Kevin comments on the nature of a home. For a long time, home has been where I hang my hat. When people ask “Where are you from?” I don’t have a good answer. I usually answered “everywhere,” but that led to lengthy questioning. The truth is, the longest I’ve lived anywhere was the five years […]
Is Internet Explorer passing notes
Paul Visco was playing with some of his pages and discovered the “clipboard exploit,” which allows a web page to capture whatever happens to be on your clipboard. If you are using IE, check it out. But don’t have anything interesting on your clipboard, ’cause I bet Paul is watching… Do I need to mention: […]
I see dead people
Went to see the Bodies: the Exhibition. For those unfamiliar with the exhibition, it features twenty bodies and over two hundred organs that have been dissected and “plastinated,” infusing them with a silicon substance that stops the process of decay and preserves targeted tissues. The results provide a way of presenting human bodies so that […]
Goin’ back to Cali