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James Carey

James W. Carey, CBS Professor of International Journalism at Columbia, died in his sleep last night. Carey is a giant among those who see communication and culture as inseparable. As such, many of the students in my former department at Buffalo were likely only briefly exposed to his ideas. Nonetheless, there are few–myself included–who have […]
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Liberal bias

I have a mixed reaction to Colbert’s speech, to be honest (great intent, imperfectly executed), but I will definitely hold on to this gem: “Reality has a well-known liberal bias.” – Stephen Colbert, White House Correspondents Dinner
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Me in the 70s

Flash Slideshow
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Small, not flat

Froomkin has a very nice post on what it means to pay for college. As I watch another cadre of students enter the working world burdened by crushing student loans–even public university school loans are crushing–it strikes me that it is an unsupportable system for both students and academics. In my ideal school, students attend […]
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