Tag Archives: General

Alex Halavais Quotes

A Google Alert pointed me to this page, which lists some of the saying that I am famous for. It seems like these have been assembled automatically from newspaper article quotes, because they, um, aren’t very profound. If they had pulled from people who quoted me on the web–like here–they might have ended up with […]
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Proud Alum

I am quite happy to find that the University of Washington (which I tricked into giving me a Ph.D.) is the epicenter of World of Warcraft. Right on. My undergrad institution ranks a lowly 16th. Buffalo is 63rd, Quinnipiac is 385th. These need to be weighted by enrollment, obviously.
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My partner, who is a lawyer for Wolfram & Hart, was in court yesterday to move a hearing to early June. The presiding judge noted that moving it two weeks out would put them on 6-6-06, and were they absolutely certain that this is what they wanted. Both attorneys said this was fine, but the […]
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Network Karaoke

Kevin just caused me to waste at least an hour and start up IE (since it requires an ActiveX component) to play with kSolo an online karaoke machine. Well, I know you are waiting to see what I have to offer. I tried a couple of songs, and if you want to know why I […]
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