Tag Archives: General
There was a dinner for the Hyperlinked Society panelists tonight. For those of you who know how profoundly uncomfortable I am in the presence of other humans, you would be shocked to find that I actually managed to be reasonably nonmisanthropic. I didn’t get a chance to chat with Jay Rosen and David Weinberger, but […]
Congratulations to Maria Garrido
Friend and sometime collaborator Maria Garrido has successfully defended her dissertation at the University of Washington. The title (correct me if I am wrong) is “The importance of transnational solidarity networks in development: Lessons from the Zapatista Movement in the quest for building alternative development models at the grassroots level.” She’s been busy over the […]
BookDrive DIY
Well, not quite DIY, I suppose, but a bit closer. The BookDrive DIY is a platform for scanning books. Unlike machines that are substantially more expensive, this one makes you turn the page. I wonder how much it costs to hire a page-turner. It seems like highly outsourceable work, but when you don’t DIY, it […]
Hyperlinked Society: Web 2.0