Tag Archives: General

[wikimania] Pre-conference blogging

I’ve ensconsed myself in the Ames Court Room in preparation for Yochai Benkler’s talk at the Wikimania conference. I’m sitting in the back, just in front of the fireplace pictured here. The inscription reads “This is the polar opposite of the university you attended.” This room feels like it could be a set for the […]
Posted in Research | Tagged | 1 Comment

All I need are some tasty waves…

And now for a completely non-conference related item (I am at Wikimania). As I’ve always said, I’m not much for conference blogging. I’ve started a half-dozen posts, but abandon them. Needs more stewing. Anyway, for newly or soon-to-be minted Ph.D.-type-quasi-humans, Jonathan Sterne offers an anotated list of job-hunting and job-taking links.
Posted in Teaching | Tagged | 2 Comments


When people meet all 200 pounds of The Finn on the streets, their first comment is almost always “I hope you have a big apartment!” We do, by Manhattan standards at least, but the truth is, Finn would be just as happy in a place half this size. As proof, here he is snoozing in […]
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Finding last names in Excel

I talked to someone today who had a list of names in Excel, and wanted to sort them by last name. Unfortunately, they were not split into first / last names. What is the (non-programmer) to do? It’s actually a good opportunity to talk about doing stuff in Excel, since it tends to be a […]
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