Tag Archives: General

Rising narcissism among college students

A psychological report that indicates that self-esteem programs have given us a generation of narcissists is getting a lot of attention in the media. The authors argue that decades of being told that “gosh darnit, people like them” has gone to the heads of today’s college students. Moreover, it seems social technologies encourage narcissism. Jean […]
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Dead laptop’s not much fun

I’ve been running around like crazy this year already. Trying to fight back a Sysiphean ToDo list. But I really feel like I’m swimming through mud this week. My Mac Book Pro was being a bit finicky about starting back up after sleeping, and today it gave up the ghost entirely. Of course, I had […]
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Didn’t sleep well. Bothered by bad dreams. In a Holiday Inn in Miami, and they’ve moved a bunch of desk-chairs into one of the rooms, but I’m late for the exam, so I end up with the bed. The exam booklets are handed out–they are spiral bound laminated pages. The proctor is slow to get […]
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On virtual teams

COLLABORATION What does it mean to collaborate? I despise people who start out with etymological explanations, but in this case I’m going to take the cheap way out. Collaboration is pretty clearly from the Latin: together (co) world (labor) process. So, collaboration is simply “working together.” But it carries more meaning than this. Leaving aside […]
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