Tag Archives: General


If I ever amass a huge fortune and go a little nuts and become a superhero, it will be as squidman. Bats may be survivors, but a squid will mess you up: “Squids can be aggressive, whimsical, suddenly mean, and they are always hungry,” said Herb Waite, co-author and professor of biology at UC Santa […]
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Securethatdomain.com: How sleazy can you get?

I registered a domain for a non-profit organization some time ago. They decided to let the site go, and so the domain was left open. It’s a very specific domain, of no interest to anyone other than the original organization. Received the following email from Ken Palm at securethatdomain.com. Now, there is plenty of sleaze […]
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WebMynd and distributed archiving

Techcrunch has a writeup on the startup WebMynd, a Firefox add-on that records each website you visit to your hard-drive. The idea is that you have something of a personal archive. It’s free to archive for a week, and $20 to archive for a year. This is a great idea, of course–after all, I’ve advocated […]
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The New Media Professional

The other course I’m teaching this semester–also distance–is formally titled “Communication, Media, and Society.” Is it only because I am in the field that I think that title might as well be shortened to “Stuff.” It’s hard to think what it doesn’t cover. In past incarnations, I’ve left it to the students to brainstorm a […]
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