Tag Archives: General

Best present ever

7:30am in the Halavais household, light seeps in through the soupy July morning air. Jamie: Good morning, Darling Husband! Alex: Grumble… mrf. Why are we up? Jamie: What day is it? Alex: Monday? Jamie: Yes, but what Monday? Alex: Too-early-in-the-morning Monday? Jamie: Today’s the 21st, your birthday! Alex: It is? Cool! What am I getting […]
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MyGallons? Maybe.

I certainly like the idea of MyGallons, which is that you are able to pre-purchase future fill-ups of gasoline at today’s prices (though this is not a “future,” the company is at pains to tell you). I presume it means that they are buying futures, however. While betting on the fact that gasoline will be […]
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Personal Democracy Forum

I wish I could go to this. Tons of really good speakers. But $700 worth? I don’t know. Of course, this includes “unlimited networking,” and I don’t think they are talking about WiFi. Is it at all ironic that a conference on decentralized and networked government is in-person, expensive, and in New York City?
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The future of media

One of my former students, Umut Gozen, has collected some interviews of faculty on a variety of issues, including the future of interactive technologies, here.
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