The Chronicle of Higher Ed has a history of writing things about blogs that seem to stick in the craw of scholarly bloggers. Luckily Henry Farrell managed to slip something in that not only makes sense, but is actually bordering on the manifesto. (And no, I don’t like it just because he managed to make me sound good, but that doesn’t hurt.) Tell me, after reading this, that you don’t want to start a blog:
Both group blogs and the many hundreds of individual academic blogs that have been created in the last three years are pioneering something new and exciting. They’re the seeds of a collective conversation, which draws together different disciplines (sometimes through vigorous argument, sometimes through friendly interaction), which doesn’t reproduce traditional academic distinctions of privilege and rank, and which connects academic debates to a broader arena of public discussion. It’s not entirely surprising that academic blogs have provoked some fear and hostility; they represent a serious challenge to well-established patterns of behavior in the academy. Some academics view them as an unbecoming occupation for junior (and senior) scholars; in the words of Alex Halavais of the State University of New York at Buffalo, they seem “threatening to those who are established in academia, to financial interests, and to … well, decorum.” Not exactly dignified; a little undisciplined; carnivalesque. Sometimes signal, sometimes noise. But exactly because of this, they provide a kind of space for the exuberant debate of ideas, for connecting scholarship to the outside world, which we haven’t had for a long while. We should embrace them wholeheartedly.
Sometimes signal, sometimes noise.
The Chronicle of Higher Ed has a history of writing things about blogs that seem to stick in the craw of scholarly bloggers. Luckily Henry Farrell managed to slip something in that not only makes sense, but is actually bordering on the manifesto. (And no, I don’t like it just because he managed to make me sound good, but that doesn’t hurt.) Tell me, after reading this, that you don’t want to start a blog:
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