Sey know to $1200!

Pataki wants to raise tuition at SUNY by $1200. First hike in 8 years or so–but making up for what should have been gradual increases the whole time. Students get mad and start a petition. I sign it, because it doesn’t take much time to do so. Because it doesn’t take much time to do so, it is supremely unlikely to affect the proposed raise in tuition, or the concomitant cut in SUNY funding.

A quick read-through of the comments leads to the discovery of a few well worded arguments, and a vast number of infantile, idiotic, and desperately disjointed arguments. It is embarrassing to think that these are actually students in a university. Even worse, I suspect most think that their words are compelling, and do not realize how badly they reflect on the authors and the school they attend.

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