School.of moved

An attack by nasty hackers meant it was necessary to move the schoolof server that hosted blogs at UB for several years. I still haven’t decided what to do with that–whether to set it up again for students at Quinnipiac or whether to rely on existing blog servers. Nonetheless, a few people requested that they hold on to their schoolof accounts, and you may want to visit their blogs:

Infomancy, which Christopher Harris defines as “1.The field of magic related to the conjuring of information from the chaos of the universe. 2.The collection of terms, queries, and actions related to the retrieval of information from arcane sources.”

BizBrary, run by Charles Lyons, a Business Librarian at UB.

Epa’s Blog Place, from a student doing a Masters in Informatics, focusing on Health Informatics (who also has the scoop on my former dean stepping down, which isn’t a very big surprise).

Andrew Gianni, who is also completing an MI while working as an applications developer at UB.

Rolcoco, a blog by my final MA student at UB.

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