Somebody call Cyberdyne! A University of Florida researcher has grown a working neural net using cortical cells harvested from a rat. And what to do with this “rat brain in a dish”? Have it play video games, naturally.
What I really want to know is if they have it running SETI@home when it’s not flying an F-22. I think it would be perversely amusing if extra-terrestrial life was first detected by artificially grown rat brains here on earth.
Somebody call Cyberdyne! A University of Florida researcher has grown a working neural net using cortical cells harvested from a rat. And what to do with this “rat brain in a dish”? Have it play video games, naturally.
What I really want to know is if they have it running SETI@home when it’s not flying an F-22. I think it would be perversely amusing if extra-terrestrial life was first detected by artificially grown rat brains here on earth.
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