I was not expecting this to be a problem. It is a large-enrollment class (400 people), but less than 100 have actually enrolled. There are a couple of possibilities. The catalog system says that instructor permission is required. It’s not, and students can enroll directly, but that may be tripping people up. Or, people might just be afraid of the content, which is strange but possible. I talked to a guy who knew a bunch of undergrads who hadn’t signed up because they were scared that it would be, you know, hard and stuff. I at one point had a reputation as a tough teacher at the undergrad level, but I have mainly taught small enrollment classes for seniors over the last year or so, so I figured that reputation would have evaporated.
Porn class underenrolled
I was not expecting this to be a problem. It is a large-enrollment class (400 people), but less than 100 have actually enrolled. There are a couple of possibilities. The catalog system says that instructor permission is required. It’s not, and students can enroll directly, but that may be tripping people up. Or, people might just be afraid of the content, which is strange but possible. I talked to a guy who knew a bunch of undergrads who hadn’t signed up because they were scared that it would be, you know, hard and stuff. I at one point had a reputation as a tough teacher at the undergrad level, but I have mainly taught small enrollment classes for seniors over the last year or so, so I figured that reputation would have evaporated.
So, I’m actually considering putting up advertising posters. Here’s the working draft. I know, I know, rip-off of a parody of a cliché.
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