Pierre Levy goes to Canada

Pierre Levy has taken a chair at the University of Ottowa, where he will press on with his study of “collective intelligence.” He “says”:http://www.lemonde.fr/article/0,5987,3244==–==296107-,00.html :

Mon ambition est de creer un nouveau champ scientifique dans l’etude de la cooperation intellectuelle. L’intelligence collective est une approche de la societe qui considere les groupes humains (une entreprise, une ville ou l’humanite elle-meme) comme des systemes cognitifs qui creent, innovent et inventent. L’objectif de ce programme de recherche est de modeliser les processus d’intelligence collective pour les tester et les ameliorer.

He has just described my research interests to a T. I kind of already knew that, but it’s funny to see it so clearly put out there. Nonetheless, I can almost guarantee that his research will look (as it has already) very different from my own, though he seems to be going from the theoretical to the more practical. (Those who have followed his work know that he has always had a practical interest, finishing a night-school degree in CS while working on his “French Intellectual” routine by daylight.) Definitely something worth keeping an eye on, though. (via “Seb”:http://radio.weblogs.com/0110772/.)

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