So High School

Damn! I was aiming for the 7th grade-level.

cash advance

(via AKMA, whose blog I am able to comprehend only when sober and undistracted ;).)

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What I haven’t been blogging

Holy CowYes, I know it’s been a while. I started this semester out on the wrong foot, and have been scrambling for the last several months. If I haven’t answered your email (and there many hundred that need to be answered), I am very sorry. I promise I will get back to you. I considered email bankruptcy, but won’t go that far. If it’s time critical, email me again, since I’m working through in reverse chronological order, and that will push you to the top of the queue.

I have declared a bit of blogging bankruptcy, and abandoned some ideas for blog posts. Here is a partial list of the things I haven’t blogged, but thought about blogging:

* I was in Vancouver for IR8.0. The Mac Book Pro has developed another problem, and it is not charming–so no conference blogging. Lots of people did, though, including my anagramic colleague. Lots of stuff on Second Life, which was fun.

* Inside Higher Ed has an article that strikes a little close to home, denigrating profs with avatars, blogs, and wearing Hawaiian shirts. I far preferred the Chronicle‘s advice on how James Bond can make you a better professor.

* Mutating Pictures allows human viewers to determine fitness and evolves faces from symmetric distributions of triangles. It’s already doing well. I am amazingly curious about the final outcome.

* Speaking of genetics, I am ready for the cow man.

Unlike other semesters, I haven’t been dumping my other writing and activities to this blog, for a variety of reasons, but now that I have a day of breathing space, I’ll try to start doing that again.

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Do something.

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Information R/evolution

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