Tips for academic job applications

Obviously, I cannot talk about our current hiring process, but I can say that academic hiring is always a difficult process–all the more difficult because it tends to be fraught with administrative restrictions in a way most hiring in the private sector is not. This is the fifth academic search committee I’ve been on, I think (plus chairing one more committee for hiring an administrative university position), and so, I have some bits of advice to pass along. All of this comes from real applications, without going into specifics.

Read the job description. I understand that you are probably applying for any job even close to what you do. I never did that, but I know many who have. Can you teach eighteenth century hydraulic engineering practices in South Asia? Sure, why not? I, umm, have heard of the eighteenth century. If a department wants something general, the ad will suggest that. For one of our hires, we were pretty open: we wanted someone with an interesting research agenda in communication, particularly internet-related. We cast a wide net. But when it says, for example, the terminal degree is required, generally that’s really what it means. You may be impressed enough by your vita that you think we will overlook the core requirements, but at least drop an email to see whether the university has any interest in you before wasting their time and yours with a full application.

Know where you are applying. Your cover letter should reflect some knowledge of where you are applying and why you think you would fit in. It’s really obvious when you get an “Ad Libs” application letter “I have always wanted to work at X because it is one of the top universities in field Y.” Well, duh. We know we are awesome. We just aren’t sure you are :). If you really want to work here, you’ll have made an effort to understand what our school is about.

On electronic applications, remember the text of the email really does matter. Too often, we get a cover letter as an email attachment that is great, but the email says simply “see attached,” or worse, is an extremely casual or badly thought out message. Also, it’s always appreciated when you put your last name in the file name of your attachments: “smith-cv.pdf” is far preferable to “my-latest-vita.doc.”

Teach. Even for Research I universities, the committee usually wants some indication that you are not a total disaster in the classroom. If you are a graduate student, do whatever you can to get your own class. At universities where this is impossible–or if you are mid-career–get a class at a local college. You won’t earn much money, but you will demonstrate that you are capable of leading a course. Naturally, if you are applying to a liberal arts college or another institution that emphasizes teaching, this becomes much more important, but no one wants to hire a full-time faculty member for a position where they will be having their first substantial teaching experience. This represents too great a risk.

Indicate a research agenda. And, on the other hand, don’t assume that non-research universities don’t care about your research agenda. There are certainly some schools, particularly among the for-profit and corporate universities, where scholarship is not particularly important. But for full-time positions in most colleges and universities, a demonstrated engagement in an ongoing research program–or at least the promise of such engagement–remains important. This is particularly true as undergraduate programs at many universities are embracing research and original scholarship as a vital part of education at every level.

Spell-check! Seriously. Have someone go over your cover letter and vita. We all make mistakes in grammar and spelling, but you are trying to put your best foot forward here, and although I–like everyone–will claim to look past such small errors, they really give a poor first impression. Be especially careful with things like the name of the university (easier with “Yale” than “Quinnipiac,” to be fair), and the name of the chair. Luckily, my name is not listed as the chair for this hiring round, so that has been less of a problem, but in at least two previous hires, the letter was addressed incorrectly. A corollary here: if you send your document in Word, be sure that it is “clean,” and doesn’t include tracked changes. If you want to be safer, just turn it in as a PDF.

Send enough stuff. Our ad did not ask for enough documentation. Even if the ad doesn’t ask for it, consider including examples of your writing, a teaching philosophy, and other materials. Or at least make them available on the web as supplementary material. If we have to ask you for more, we may never get that far. Oh, and send it as a package, not piecemeal.

If you are a grad student, list your work under review. It’s always a question, and I have been on a hiring committee where we have seen a lot of promises for work that was under review, but very little track record. That doesn’t do much for your case. If, however, you have presented a number of papers, and maybe even have things already published, you should indicate work that is currently in the pike. This is obviously the case for articles that have been accepted, but not yet printed, but you may also indicate material that is currently under review. We understand the publication cycle may mean that what you currently have published doesn’t reflect what your vita will look like next year.

If you are switching to (or back to) academia, get some coaching. A killer resume in the context of your industry may not translate neatly to an academic hiring committee, even if your professional experience is desirable. At my current university, we strongly value that professional experience, but it is important that it is laid out in a way that makes it fit in a scholarly setting. Even better if you have shown that you have kept a hand in the teaching and research side, to demonstrate that you have potential to shine there. Practitioners sometimes see teaching as the fall back (“well, I could always retire… or teach!”), and frankly, those are often the professionals who are least suited to an academic career.

Watch your web image. We’re hiring for an interactive communication position, and for something so closely related to the internet, you should expect that we are going to Google you. What do we find? Well, in some cases, we find a set of well-crafted websites by the applicant, as well as their appearance on other sites that are related, which gives us more to go on. In some cases, we only find references to their publications and presentations, which is fine; a solid second-place. Then there are applicants whose web designs leave something substantial to be desired. If you are applying for a job in interactive media, you shouldn’t have web pages that look like they were done by our least able undergraduates. They shouldn’t work only in Internet Explorer. They shouldn’t–if at all possible–be broken. (I realize, I’m throwing stones from a fairly glassy house here, but there it is.)

Who writes your letters matters. It’s annoying, but big names, or at least people who are widely connected, matter as much as the content of a letter. Like for applications to graduate school, letters are often an opportunity to scuttle an applicant rather than boost them. In some cases, applicants are damned by faint praise. It’s a bit of a game, and since we all write letters of recommendation, we can easily grasp when a recommendation is pro forma, or highlights what a great personality someone has, to the exclusion of any other praise. Some people read a lot into the lack of a letter from someone’s doctoral advisor or chair.

Be interesting. Nothing trumps a stellar publication record, awards, accolades, and having already made an obvious stamp on your area of study, but when you are looking at hundreds of applications, someone who has interesting life experience and has leveraged that experience is likely to stand out in the minds of the hiring committee. Again, being interesting alone will do little for you, but given that the short list is littered with really excellent candidates, being able to provide texture that gives some idea of why you would be an interesting colleague to have around is a good idea. Some of that comes in an indication of your non-academic career. That doesn’t mean we need to know that you worked at McDonald’s as a teenager–unless you are applying for a position at Hamburger U, this isn’t something you should leave on your academic resume. For jobs at universities like ours, where professional preparation is held in high esteem, such elements are particularly important, but even in research universities, interesting career experience may help a hiring committee get a feel for your personality and competencies. This doesn’t mean you should include something like “in my spare time, I enjoy the cinema and baking,” but if there is a way to indicate your service to the community or other passions, try to hint at that.

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I want to be the master…

Great video via Shanghaiist about the “Crazy English” movement. The title refers to the last phrase, which gets a bit messed up. ESL teacher as cult leader is not an obvious progression, but some of the elements of his teaching style–granting disciple status to women who shave their heads to demonstrate their desire to speak perfect English, for example–sure feel a bit extreme. And it’s hard to believe that the choral response that has served people so poorly in language classrooms works any better when mixed with pop psych. Here he is leading a 6:30am session at the Hunan University of Science and Engineering.

On the other hand, there is a fine line between cultish leadership and energizing students. Undergraduate lectures were often really hard for me to stay awake in back when I was a student. This was even the case when the teachers were really good. I still remember Mark Petracca’s ability to engage a class full of apathetic freshmen at eight in the morning, and James Danziger’s very different style that encouraged students to bring their own approaches to political material. When I was a grad student, a new faculty member had a sign behind his desk that read “I want to inspire.” I thought that was nonsense: faculty are not here to inspire, they are here to instruct, to present the material in a sensible and approachable way, and be a knowledge resource for students. Of course, with time, I’ve changed my mind on that. Clearly, the best teachers are able to inspire students to achieve their best; there is no teaching, only learning. I am not one of those especially inspiring teachers–not yet at least. It doesn’t come naturally to me at all. But I hope to get there.

I wonder, as our program moves more and more online, whether it is possible to inspire students the same way without having them there in person. One of the the most inspiring feelings is to “capture” an audience. It’s a deep-seated feeling of knowing that everyone in a room is hanging on your next word. On occasion, I accomplished this in a theater. Everyone in the audience perfectly still, perfectly quiet, as if their entire world depended on your next words. Silences were a weapon, and a shout went to the heart of each person in the audience. People’s hair stood on end, and they cried when you wanted them to cry.

I know the same thing can happen in text, and I know it can happen on a movie screen, but it’s just not the same thing, and it seems to be a lot more hit-and-miss. Who ever heard of an online cult? I am excited about teaching online again, but I need to find ways of making sure it’s not just to the brain, but also to the heart. I don’t know anyone who has really accomplished that yet. I don’t aspire to cultishness, but I do want to get students excited about what they are doing; that excitement is essential to the learning process.

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Blogging for Large Classes

Blogs for learningMany (scores, actually) moons ago, I happily volunteered to write an article for the “Blogs for Learning” Nicole Ellison was putting together. I actually wrote this almost a year ago, while in Aruba, and then inconveniently forgot about it entirely. Blame it on the Balashi. Just ran into her again in Vancouver, and sent it along, and now it appears at the site.

Of course, these days, a “large class” is one that grows to 30 students, thanks to my switch to teaching a smaller private university. But I hope some of the hints that appear in the short article can be of help, especially if you are new to using blogs in lecture classes. Here’s the beginning:

In this short article, I hope to provide some examples of failures and successes in managing blogging in large classes, and some indication of where this might go in the future. Like many people, I started blogging in small senior-level seminars. This was in 1999, and at the time there were not really blogging systems available, and like many other people, I had to write my own. What I saw as a very simple way to replace email lists and bulletin board (forum) systems turned out to be an extraordinarily effective way to encourage conversation among students, and I have used blogs in most of my classes in the years since. Today, blogging in a small class is a fairly easy way to get started for both students and teachers.

And here’s the rest.

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Current Projects

I haven’t given up on blogging, this has just been one of those semesters. I would like to be keeping everyone up to date, but I just can’t seem to find ten minutes to update my main blog–though I’ve been posting elsewhere. So what is it that is keeping me so busy? Here are the projects I’m working on through the end of the year.

Projects Midway

These are things that are in some stage of completion, though some still require quite a bit of work.

1. National Communication Association conference

I’ll be late for the start of the NCA conference because I didn’t want to miss another set of my grad seminars, but I’m on a flight at an ungodly hour of the morning tomorrow for Chicago to present a paper entitled “Cutting Paths to Political Candidates: Technologies for Social Findability.” I’m not at all happy with the paper (I haven’t been happy with any of my papers this semester), but I’ll decide over the winter break whether to overhaul this one and polish it or roll it into a comparison with the presidential election.

I probably won’t be blogging the conference, since my lappy is still not working properly.

2. Introduction to Interactive Communication Seminar

Tonight was the last “content” day for this class, looking at the effects of search engines. After the Thanksgiving break next week, participants are presenting their briefs on various topics. Like other semesters, the students are blogging. I’ve been pleasantly surprised about two things. First, although there have been blogs that started out good and were consistently good throughout the semester, and blogs that started out struggling and still are, the vast middle has generally gotten better throughout the semester, and I might go so far as to say that the blogs this semester are particularly good as a whole at this point. For a taste, check out I see ’em, five O won, Brophblog, Waxing, or Graduate Interactive Communication.

The other surprise is a lot of use of video in the blogs. Not just original video like this response to a Smart Mobs reading by JennX:

(kudos for battling through the Japanese!) but also other videos from YouTube and elsewhere that are both relevant and appropriate to their work. This is great, since it suggests a crossover to true multimedia, which is really interesting. Having been taken a bit unawares this semester, I’m going to try to encourage students to do this next time around. Very much looking forward to what the seminar participants accomplish in their final projects and I will post the best of those here for my loyal readers in search of interesting stuffs.

3. Virtual Worlds Seminar

This was intended as a projects-based course, and it’s been a rocky first-time through. I may re-offer it as a special topics course again at some point, drawing on some of the things we’ve learned this time about how best to approach things. Earlier in the semester, groups put together their first machinema from Second Life, like this one:

They are now working on several projects, including a furniture shop, an in-word presence for a school, and a mixed-mode organic T-shirt company. I’ll post links to the projects once we get to the end. After some prompting by one of the participants, I’m doing my own little project: a proof-of-concept for a judo dojo. I’ll try to do some videos of the process, though most of that work is going to have to happen when I get back from Chicago.

4. Internet Research Papers

I presented two papers in Vancouver, neither of which I was super-happy with. I got great feedback on both, though, and so I’ll probably take another run at them. One looked at comparisons of coverage of “localized” search engines, the other with the initial in-world wayfinding experience in SL. I’ll probably scrap the work on the latter for a more traditional usability study of SL for new users. But for now, these are both back-burnered.

5. Book about Search Engines

Working on a book entitled Search Engine Society for Polity Press. Still more to do with this, but once there is something more concrete to say, I’ll let you know. This is a broad overview of the effects of search engines on the information society, and how that relationship is evolving.

6. Association of Internet Research (AoIR) Stuff

I’m trying to make myself redundant here, but there are lots of little things that need to be done, from assisting in the upload of papers to upgrading the wiki, to supporting the creation of a new website. Trying to make incremental progress on those when I have little snatches of time.

7. Reviewing a paper for New Media & Society


Early Stage Stuff

1. Hiring a new faculty member

This shouldn’t be so new, since we should be further along on this. I’m chairing a hiring committee for a tenure-track position in interactive communication Quinnipiac University. It’s not too late to contact me if you have mad skillz in the interactive industry and want to teach a group of interesting and bright (see above) grad students. If you want to chat about the position in Chicago, email me ASAP. We officially started reviewing candidates on the first of the month, but we still haven’t made a first cut.

2. Planning two online version of my seminars

We are moving toward an online version of our MS in Interactive Communication program, and to help facilitate this, I’ll be teaching two of my courses online next semester. The introductory seminar and a seminar on the effect of “wikinomics” on the communicating professionals both need to be sewn up shortly.

3. Two research papers

For now, these are under the working titles “Finding Tonto” and “Pavlov’s Blog.” I’ve wanted to do both for a while, but I’m going to try to get the preliminary research done before the end of the year. These may be sent off for the ICWSM conference in Seattle or HICSS. I was talking to a reporter this week about openly blogging my work, and this is that rare thing I won’t blog: ideas that I’m committed to taking on shortly, but I haven’t started the research on. As soon as I get started, I don’t mind writing about it, assuming that I actually have something interesting to say, and that it might be harder to catch up.

4. Walking

I was really doing well on getting to the gym and eating better until I ended up stressed out and overworked starting this summer. Need to recover (somehow) the time to bring this into my life. First step is back to 10,000 steps a day of walking.

5. Next book

As with the papers, I really ought to finish some things before taking on new projects, but I’m at the eary stages of planning for a book on the relationship between creativity and self-government.

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