Did blogging kill the public intellectual?

Russell Jacoby has a column in the Chronicle of Higher Ed arguing, paradoxically, that blogging has drowned out the voice of the public intellectual. He argues that, in the US,

blogs are not so much about challenging an authoritarian state as about adding to the cacophony. Blogs may be more like private journals with megaphones than reasoned contributions to public life. Michael Bérubé, who teaches American literature and cultural studies at Pennsylvania State University and is an accomplished blogger, admits as much. “One day I’ll have an analysis of the hockey playoffs,” he wrote about his own blog, “the next day a story about the night my band opened for the Ramones, the next day an account of a trip with my younger son, Jamie.”

Of course personal sharing is not all he and others do in their postings, but what is the net result? The Internet provides instant communication and quick access to vast resources, but has it altered the quality or content of intellectual discussions?

There are a couple of problems with his assessment. The first, and less important, is that he assumes that a public intellectual inhabits the public sphere, and in this public sphere his professional life is nearly completely divided from his everyday life. I’ve written before about C. Wright Mills’s call for a journal in which the sociologist records the inspirations for her thinking found while experiencing everyday life. Certainly, talking about a hockey game or your child’s school work appears trivial when compared to a book-length treatise on social theory, but it is not intended to be the final word, handed down (and there is a strong sense of elitism inherent in Jacoby’s discussion) to an adoring public.

Perhaps it is because I am just back from seeing Tom Stoppard’s Rock ‘n’ Roll, it’s hard to think of academic interests–or at least interest in political theory–while ignoring the personal and cultural. Why should it be that a hockey game or opening for the Ramones is not relevant to understanding society? Why should the ways in which we arrive at our final ideas be hidden from public critique, involvement, and discussion? Understanding that Stoppard is writing an alternative auto-biography provides an insight that simply engaging the final text would not.

Jacoby seems to suggest that blogs supplant book writing and reading. Ceci tuera cela? Not at all. The dynamic may change, but there is still a place for a good book, for a completed idea that has not been jotted down in haste. He points to a New Yorker cartoon in which authors are lined up to sign books for a solitary reader. He has missed the point: blogs are for having conversations. Sure, they aren’t the kind of conversations we are used to having: they are more distributed, more lopsided, and more permanent. But they do not supplant books. They draw the public intellectual into the community, reducing the height of the ivory tower.

This leads to Jacoby’s second–and greater–error, and that is assuming that there is only a cohesive public for intellectuals to address. Perhaps public intellectuals have disappeared, but they have been replaced by “publics intellectuals.” Clearly, as we go into a presidential election season, there is still value in addressing a national or global public. But what readers and writers have both found is that new technologies allow for new kinds of publics. The Greek democratic public was constrained by the distance from which the voice of Stentor could be heard. Jacoby mentions the megaphone, but misses the importance of a large number of people owning them. We don’t need the world to hear, we need only form publics of interested parties.

In fact, it does seem that blogging has leveled off. I’ve predicted for some time that the hype over blogging would recede, and that we would see a large number of blogs disappear, though I didn’t realize how broad a hit this would be. Indeed, I suspect that the idea of blogging will fade away, even as the idea of a static web site–a site that is not periodically updated–fades. But blogging has not killed the public intellectual, it has drawn the intellectual and the public closer together, making more translucent and democratic the role of the intellectual, and undermining the myth of genius.

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Wikia Search Alpha

Wikia LogoI’ve had a chance to play around with Search Wikia over the weekend. The New York Times provides a broad overview today.

One of the arguments of my book is that a lack of transparency is one–though only one–of the socially dysfunctional forces of the current crop of search engines. Google sometimes reminds me of the Wizard of Oz: Pay no attention to to the man behind the curtain! Or, to be more accurate, the algorithm behind the curtain. Despite it’s seemingly friendly facade, my brother is convinced it is the inchoate Skynet. Google makes the reasonable, if weak, argument that if they make their ranking algorithm public, it will be more easily gamed by search spammers, a claim repeated by Gary Price in the Times article. By keeping that algorithm secret does it lead to more credible search results, or does it damage the search engine’s credibility by hiding the method of ranking from those who must rely upon it.

I guess we’ll be able to find out soon, as Wikia leaves its ranking algorithm open to the public. It also does a lot of other things that, while perhaps not groundbreaking on their own, just sort of make sense. It brings in the edited guide of Mahalo (and something Google has just started doing with knol). It brings in some of the social functions that, again, Google is just getting hip to. One of the main threats may be that Google simply makes off with Wikia’s innovations. It’s easier to be sanguine about that possibility when you are Wikipedia, since you have a first-mover advantage and name recognition. But Google has the ability to sit back, see what works for Wikia, and adopt it. Of course, you could have said the same thing about Internet Explorer and Firefox, but because Microsoft was not agile enough to catch up with Firefox, it lost out. Microsoft also had to battle a backlog of bad will that Google has yet to accumulate.

So enough of that, what about Wikia as it stands now? Well, I can’t claim anything but the most superficial of searches, but I’m reasonably impressed. There are still a lot of rough edges, with some of the features still to be roughed out and some of the working features (cache, etc.) only working when they feel like it. Given that it is working from a shallow, demo index, it’s hard to evaluate the search results. I looked for “Python MP3 id,” repeating a “real life” search I made earlier in the week. I was looking for some examples of code–or a module–that would allow for easy manipulation of MP3 ID tags (artist, title, etc) in the Python programming language. Google’s first hit gets me what I want, but Wikia is still lost in a morass of Czech and Indonesian (“id” is the ccTLD for Indonesia) sites. Generally, it seems to have little preference for English, which could be seen as a good thing if it didn’t make me feel so monoglot. Clearly some word sense disambiguation is going to be necessary pretty quickly here, and that means some understanding of the language being used for the search. It’s also a bit strange that Wikipedia articles are so prominent in Google but not to be found in the Wikia search. Not sure if this was an editorial decision, or just another anomaly of their earliest ranking algorithm.

These are just a couple of a thousand little things that will need to be tweaked in the search process. Wikia is going to have to go through the minutia of tuning the results engine that other search engines have done over time–it’s mainly a question of setting up a structure that will allow that to happen effectively and quickly in an open and distributed way.

I think it’s good that it’s out there. There will be plenty of people criticizing it after the release, but given that Google releases into perpetual beta, it’s probably good to have something that is sort-of running in the public eye rather than leaving it vaporous. It really does seem to be an issue of testing and refinement to me; the bones are good. Go try it; and “friend me” while you’re at it.

I’m hoping Wikia succeeds, since it addresses what I see as some of the root failings of how some of the major search engines are now doing business. If nothing else, it serves as a palpable reminder of those failures, and of the corrosive nature of unnecessary secrecy.

Update (1/7): Well, the reviews are in, and folks are not particularly complimentary. I have to say, it’s not a surprise. For an “alpha” it was handled a lot like a “launch,” including the newspaper stories, etc. My favorite out of this, however, is testing by an anonymous Slashdot user:

Highlighted article when I search for “sex”:

Mini Article About “sex”

Sex is a term which is very often searched in the internet. Thus, a mini-article about pages with free pictures / videos without spam would be important.

First result for “George Bush”

George Bush Is A Crackwhore!
… handjobs for cash. George Bush is addicted to smack … some blow.. yah know… like George Bush …
http://www.george.bush.isacrackwhore.com/ [isacrackwhore.com] – Cached – 1.26

This is genius. I think I know what I’ll search site I’ll use next time I need some entertainment.

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Is rent theft?

A Christmas wish appears in the classifieds of last month’s New York magazine:

on the UWS, 3bd 2bath. YOU are a phil-
anthropic, wealthy person who would
not miss a million bucks and would be
interested in donating (or even investing)
in a highly targeted manner: to my fami-
ly. WE are a wonderful, hard working
middle class family who contributes to
our UWS community, is entrenched, hap-
py and desperately wants to remain on
UWS (lest the city lose yet another
wonderful family to the burbs). We can
afford 600-700K, so you see the
predicament. Can you help us?? Email:

I like a lot of Thorstein Veblen’s ideas. He’s often dismissed as a product (or producer) of the times, because of his focus on technocratic solutions to social problems, and his view that the economy should be managed by economists seems preposterous today. But central to his most popular book The Theory of the Leisure Class is the odd place of rent in society. In the idealized view of capitalism, someone accumulates capital by risking rather than hording material. This incentive to venture allows for increased efficiency, and everyone is happy. Although it would be difficult today to say that real estate investing carries no risk, I think it is fair to say that such risk isn’t particularly useful. What would it mean if rents were outlawed?

Who lives here?

The fourth quarter numbers are in, and the average cost of an apartment in Manhattan is up again, to $1.4 million. The median price of an apartment in our neighborhood went from $763K last year to $1.195 million this year, an insane 57% increase. Unlike much of the nation, there was very little bubble here. In part, this is because it is virtually impossible to get into an apartment in New York with “zero down,” and pretty hard to get into one without at least 20% of the purchase price. Moreover, as one real estate agent recently put it, Europe considers New York to be a 50% off sale, due to the weakness of the dollar. As a result, the market remains hot.

Admittedly, Manhattan is an island: there are only so many people who can live here. And they aren’t making any more land. But the expense seems well out of proportion to what any normal human can afford. In our neighborhood, the average household income is just over $70K a year, and the average purchase price of an apartment well over $700K (as of a year ago). How is this possible? It’s possible because most people still rent, a few in rent controlled or rent stabilized buildings, and our famous next-door neighbors, the Frederick Douglass Houses, a massive public housing project. The very lucky might win a low-income lottery to be allowed to purchase an apartment in a building where your neighbors are paying market rate.

As a practical matter, rent control means that there are people in our building who pay, literally, a tenth of our rent. One one hand, it seems really unfair (particularly the extreme examples, like Cyndi Lauper’s $989 place, or Nora Ephron’s $2,000 apartment in the Apthorpe). Some of these folks have lived in the building for a half-century, and it hardly seems fair that someone should have to leave their apartment, their neighborhood, or their city because the rents have gone through the roof. Of course, this is exactly what is happening.

Is rent wrong?

Most of the individuals and companies that own rental properties provide a service for a price–what could be wrong with that? I suppose my complaint is that there isn’t all that much risk in the rent game, at least in New York, and so why should their be such profits. The main source of profits is the fact that (a) property owners bought at a time when the cost of property was less, and (b) they have greater access to borrowed capital. In other words, they get to profit because of their entrenched position. This is exactly what profits are supposed to avoid.

So what if residential rent was outlawed? Many apartment buildings in New York are already co-ops, what if they all went co-op. Maybe you could make an exception for “second residences” like hotels, as long as people didn’t spend a certain number of days residing in the city. (This is more practical than it seems, since you already have to show what part of the year you spent in the city to determine whether you have to pay the annual city income tax.) The result would be a depressed residential real estate market–and likely business market as well, since owners of residential buildings would try to switch their buildings over to business rentals. No more lotteries, or rent control; every home has to be owned. It would probably change New York forever, since people would be less likely to leave and less likely to come. Maybe that would be for the worse, and maybe for the better.

Or maybe not something so extreme. In Mumbai, the Society for the Promotion of Area Resources (SPARC) has sought ways of helping those living in the slums to cooperatively gain ownership of residences. Co-ops in New York have a reputation for being exclusionary and established, but I wonder whether there are groups who have started “Yuppie co-ops,” collectives of first-home buyers in the city who purchase a building outright and manage it as a cooperative?

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Real meaning of “friend”

If another person says that Social Networking Sites are changing the meaning of the word “friend” for the worse, and makes it sound like he is saying something profound, I’m going to scream. As if we have a stable, broadly-accepted idea of what “friend” means. It’s more often something like Stewart’s “Casablanca” test for pornography: you know one when you have one.

Contrast this with Truman Capote describing who his Christmas fruitcakes go to:

Who are they for?

Friends. Not necessarily neighbor friends: indeed the larger share are intended for persons we’ve met maybe once, perhaps not at all. People who’ve struck our fancy. Like President Roosevelt. Like the Reverend and Mrs. J. C. Lucey, Baptist missionaries to Borneo who lectured here last winter. Or the little knife grinder who comes through town twice a year. Or Abner Packer, the driver of the six o’clock bus from Mobile, who exchanges waves with us every day as he passes in a dust-cloud whoosh. Or the young Wistons, a California couple whose car one afternoon broke down outside the house and who spent a pleasant hour chatting with us on the porch (young Mr. Wiston snapped out picture, the only one we’ve ever had taken). Is it because my friend is shy with everyone except strangers that these strangers, and merest acquaintances, seem to us our truest friends? I think yes. Also, the scrapbooks we keep of thank-you’s on White House stationery, time-to-time communications from California and Borneo, the knife grinder’s penny post cards, make us feel connected to eventful worlds beyond the kitchen with its view of a sky that stops.

– Truman Capote, “A Christmas Memory,” 1956

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