So, I like the idea of Spymaster, at least in some ways. I think the web design is great, and the writing is fun. But the gameplay–to me–seems to mix the worst of grinding with the worst of social network spamming. So, my question is: why do you play Spymaster? (I do–or have done–and have my own reasons.)
I’m curious enough about this to offer a bounty of $10 million in-game. Just include your twitter ID in your comments, and on June 30, 2009, I will choose a response at random, and send them the cash prize. Just to be clear, I am talking game money here, and not, say, US Dollars :).
So, to summarize, to be eligible for the grand prize, you need to indicate:
1. How long you’ve been playing (e.g., when did you start, or what level are you).
2. Why you started playing and/or why you keep playing.
3. Your twitter name, if you want to be entered for the drawing.
You can do this in the comments below, or by @halavais -ing me on Twitter. All three need to be included. If you just write “Gimme the cash!” you won’t get any.
Shifted Pace
Got an IM from someone checking in a few weeks back. He had gathered that my work had “changed pace.” I wondered what that meant, and he suggested that I had slowed down.
Now, I am naturally lazy–a trait I am trying to more actively cultivate, but I gather he had figured that because I haven’t been blogging or tweeting or doing any of those other sorts of continual status updates I must be slacking. As usual, my blogging (including micro-blogging) is inversely proportionate to how busy I am, not the other way around. There is a small caveat: sometimes it is an indicator that I am procrastinating, and therefore should be busy. On very rare occasions, when the stars align, it is actually linked to progress on a project, but generally speaking, silence on this front should never be taken as indication that I am actually relaxing a little.
On the other hand, the number of hours I have each week to work on projects is somewhat limited by being the daytime parent (with some help) of Jasper. This remains my priority, and though it sometimes means sacrificing things I would like to do, there is never going to be another time to hang out with my six-month-old, so he wins. As it is, I wish I could spend even more time with him.
In what seems to be a perennial sort of post, here are some of the projects I’m working on right now, besides raising the future benevolent dictator of our solar system:
A lot of other things are right on the cusp of needing to be done, but I’m trying to keep my head clear of them for the moment. It really doesn’t seem that bad when it’s spelled out as above. Of course, tthere are the other pending things: three book projects, whipping some old research together into publishable form, a grant proposal sometime later this year, various talks, digitizing my library, etc. But I’m trying to keep those things out fo mind, wherever possible.
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