I’ve been looking a lot at search lately, and revisited Zoominfo, a site that was designed to automatically generate personal profiles based on stuff out on the web. I found mine amusing. It has a few references to me. It claims, for example that I am:
* An Assistant Professor & Grad Director of Informatics at the University at Buffalo. (Dated, but close enough).
* An Assistant Professor at Quinnipiac University. (Bingo.)
* a Founder of Bloglines.
* in a position among a group of mainly Ph.D. students at Maryland.
* dean of the Buffalo-Niagara Partnership.
* a Contributor. To what, we’re not so sure.
* a FAQ, as well.
* Part of the Publication Process at Wikipedia.
* Finally, I am a Reverse Cowgirl at Gawker.
Heck, I’d hire me.
This Monday: Global Microbranding talk (Brooklyn)
Hey fellow New Yorkers–this looks like an interesting (free!) talk this Monday…
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