“I always tell them: ‘Put me in the stadium.’ I’ve always wondered how I would look up there on the Jumbotron.”
So says a prof quoted in an article on teaching big classes over at The Chronicle. My puny 200-person class pales in comparison to 1,700 students. With a few more years of experience, I think I could hold the attention of a room that size. I have difficulty enough keeping the attention of 200 as it is.
I was alerted to the article by a post by the (a?) Invisible Adjunct, who wonders whether use of undergraduate TAs in such classes constitutes exploitation. I guess the answer is “probably.” But the best person to answer such a question is the undergraduate TA (or Instructional Assistant, at UB). (Totally leaving aside the issue of false consciousness, of course.) Knowing that Jenn and Jeff are regular readers of this blog, and Cam makes it here once in a while, I wonder what you think. Were you exploited? Should the university allow the use of unpaid undergrad IAs?