[MITIA] Second Assignment

Assignment #2: Mini Blog-Review[1]

Deadline: Midnight of Tuesday, September 7.

* Take the chance to look through various blogs and getting a feel for how they differ and in what ways they are similar.
* An opportunity for you to demonstrate to the rest of the class your writing acumen, and something of your personality, to aid in forming groups.

* Your review should not exceed 250 words: a paragraph. Your task is to make the most of these 250 words. Your review should stand out from the crowd, should be interesting and exciting.
* Post as a comment on this entry, over to the right.
* You can review a blog of your choice, with the exception of mine. It will be much easier to do an original review if you choose a blog that someone else has not picked.
* Be sure to include a link to the blog you are reviewing. (In the comments, you can do this by supplying the URL, or using the A HREF tag if you know how to do that.)
* Do not review the visual design (graphic elements, layout), as we will do this in a later assignment. Concentrate on the content of the site. Why is it useful? entertaining? informative? interesting? unusual? What makes it different? Write your review in such a way that the reader will be interested in seeing the site themselves.
* There are many ways you can find weblogs. If you go to http://blo.gs, you can see some that have been recently updated. Eatonweb portal is a Yahoo-like directory of blogs, as is Blogorama. There are dozens of other specialized directories, like NYC Bloggers, which categorizes blogs by subway stop. Alternatively, it may be a good idea to follow the links in people’s blogrolls (the list of links to other blogs often found in people’s blogs) until you find a blog you like.

fn1. This assignment is inspired by one given by Jill Walker. You should definitely consider looking over Dr. Walker’s assignment, as she provides some links to examples from her assignment and some good advice. Note, however, that we are looking for a much shorter review, and one that is based heavily on the content of the blog, to the exclusion of visual design.

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