To add to my “links for new grad students” file: How to Read in College (via Liz). This will join some of the classics and not-so-classics I’ve been assembling, including Agre’s Networking on the Network, and Writing with Sources. Only one of these three is targeted at grad students. I worry that this says something about the quality of our grads, but I don’t think it does. What it says is that the quality of preparation for graduate school in the social sciences is generally inadequate. (And is, I think, partly reflected in the cultural hurdle of an incoming grad class that is >50% Asian each year.)
How to read
To add to my “links for new grad students” file: How to Read in College (via Liz). This will join some of the classics and not-so-classics I’ve been assembling, including Agre’s Networking on the Network, and Writing with Sources. Only one of these three is targeted at grad students. I worry that this says something about the quality of our grads, but I don’t think it does. What it says is that the quality of preparation for graduate school in the social sciences is generally inadequate. (And is, I think, partly reflected in the cultural hurdle of an incoming grad class that is >50% Asian each year.)
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