Comments on: Feeding frenzy Things that interest me. Thu, 02 Feb 2006 21:03:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: David McDougall Thu, 02 Feb 2006 21:03:43 +0000 Alex,

I too am contacting you to inquire about Megan. I am working on a program about Great whites for National Geographic Television and though the project will in no way seek to vilify these animals it will discuss the rare cases when their curiosity and interaction with humans has devastating consequences. Please let me know if she is available to speak with me. Thanks so much.


By: Thomas Fritschi Wed, 14 Dec 2005 21:03:43 +0000 m an Associate Producer for “Insight”, a daily talk show on KXJZ 88.9 (the NPR station) in Sacramento, CA. I would like to invite your sister Megan Halavais to be a guest on our program on "Surviving Disaster" on 12/27/2005. I am having trouble getting a hold of her. I was wondering if you could give me a phone number where I can contact her. Thank You, Thomas Fritschi Associate Producer Capitol Public Radio Insight, KXJZ 88.9 916-278-8978]]> Hello

My name is Thomas Fritschi and I’m an Associate Producer for “Insight”, a daily talk show on KXJZ 88.9 (the NPR station) in Sacramento, CA.

I would like to invite your sister Megan Halavais to be a guest on our program on “Surviving Disaster” on 12/27/2005. I am having trouble getting a hold of her. I was wondering if you could give me a phone number where I can contact her.

Thank You,

Thomas Fritschi
Associate Producer
Capitol Public Radio
Insight, KXJZ 88.9

By: Andrea Anderson Sun, 06 Nov 2005 18:21:03 +0000 Dear Alex, I am sorry about your sister’s attack and am glad to see that she is recovering nicely. I am one of the producers (though not in a frenzy) that would like to reach Megan. We are completing production on a 2-hour show for Animal Planet about people who have been attacked by wild animals. In the show, we are speaking to experts and biologists about why animals and sharks attack and to the victims about what they did to save themselves. I would love to speak with your sister if you would be so kind as to pass along my message. My # at work is 818-432-4255 (in Los Angeles). Do you know if she is currently doing interviews?

Kind Regards,
Andrea Anderosn

By: Tom Mon, 31 Oct 2005 22:52:37 +0000 Maybe you can call Bjork and she can help your sister out.
