Com Theory Final Exam

You will recall that the final exam for the communication theory is a group oral exam. Again, I’ll be asking questions both individually and as a group, but with three of you there, you will have more of a chance to catch a breather between questions. Remember that the exam is closed-book and closed note. I know this will be harder for some of you than for others, but there is madness to my method.

Group 1: Anker, Hurley, Kwon
Group 2: Chun, Kozey, Liu
Group 3: Lackaff, Moon, Petrick

I encourage you to work together toward a solid understanding of what exists in the readings and in our discussions. Obviously, the two (should) overlap, but there is more in the readings than we have been able to cover in class. You should have a pretty good grasp of the major folks we have read and read about. Again, mapping out who goes with whom and why will likely be of help.

Here are a few of the questions I have asked earlier classes. With the exception of two or three, they probably won’t come up again. Each group will receive a different set of questions. Some of these obviously wouldn’t be asked (e.g., what is URT?) because we haven’t covered them this year.

* What is induction?
* What is URT?
* Emotional, rather than rational, appeals appear in several theories. Explain which ones and in what ways.
* Define the difference between “I” and “me” for Mead.
* How would Lyotard criticize agenda setting?
* What is communication theory?
* Pick a research question, any research question, apply one of the theories from the semester, and explain what the major concepts are, and how you might operationalize them.
* You have just purchased a new laptop computer. You end up with a Dell (which is recommended by UB). After your purchase, one of the first things you do is look at different ads online for similar computers and ask your friends what they think. Who has a theory for this and how does he or she explain it? Are there good alternative explanations for the same behavior?

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