This is an initial tender of interest, but would anyone like to collaborate on a panel on blogging, wikis, and their relationship to laws that have traditionally been the purview of “the press”: libel, shield laws, etc.? Any “blawg” types out there who are doing work in this area? Email me, or leave a comment and if there is some critical mass, we can put something forward!
CFP Session: Pressing forward
I’m looking forward to the Computers, Freedom & Privacy conference coming up this May in DC.
This is an initial tender of interest, but would anyone like to collaborate on a panel on blogging, wikis, and their relationship to laws that have traditionally been the purview of “the press”: libel, shield laws, etc.? Any “blawg” types out there who are doing work in this area? Email me, or leave a comment and if there is some critical mass, we can put something forward!
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