Ceci n’est pas un blogue?

Rubel points to a posting on the BuzzMetrics blog about whether blog readers know they are reading blogs. It turns out they may not, according to a survey by Neilsen/Netratings. As the entry notes, anyone that works with blogs already knew that, but it’s nice to see it backed up with data.

I remember talking with Lee Rainie in Maastricht 2003 about why Pew Internet and American Life wasn’t asking about blogs. He said that the number of people who read blogs was just too small to be able to drum up a decent sample via telephone. I remember telling him that if you ask what a “blog” is, of course they won’t know. Blog readers think of the sites as diaries, journals, or news sites, or by the name of the host (e.g., “Livejournals”).

Of course, both the term has more currency now and the number of poeple reading and writing blogs has increased exponentially, but it is nice to have some empirical indication that those who read blogs don’t necessarily know that they are doing it.

As an aside, since I am blogging my job search, I actually sent a c.v. off to BuzzMetrics at the beginning of the year when they were looking for a senior research analyst, but never even heard back. I guess I lack that certain buzz.

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