All Hallows Eve 2014


We hope you are able to join us!


(Festering Aberrant Queries)

On Halloween, right?

Isn’t every day Halloween? In that case, we’ll do it on All Saints Day, Saturday, November 1.

Five in the evening? Darling, I don’t even get out of bed until 5:37pm that day.

No problem, we dig. (Especially after dark.) Just appear when you appear. Though there will be less to do and eat after we go to sleep.

Where is your mansion?

We are at 5204 East Woodridge Drive. The Bell/Tatum intersection is a half mile west of us.

What shall we bring?

No sacrifices are expected. Souls happily accepted for deposit or long-time lease.

What shall we wear?

You’re so fancy, you don’t even know. We recommend you wear something. This isn’t Berkeley, you know. We hope you will come in costume.

What shall we devour?

We will have some horrors d’ovaries and some sweet somethings, along with drinks with both spirits (muhahaha!) and exsanguinated. There will also be people. (Let us know if you have dietary restrictions, and we’ll try to accommodate. There will be blood.)

What ages for tender youth?

We are all friendly ghosts here, and would love to see your children of all ages: from snack-size to full meals. We’ll plan some activities for the lively.

RISVP (Répondez ici s’il vous plaît)